Thursday, January 01, 2009


Happy New Year!

We have been busy, busy, busy. First was finals, then the end of the quarter at work, then driving all over the United States. We have been to nine states in as many days! It's been a whirlwind.

I got to see a lot of friends and family which is always nice, but I'm exhausted and ready to head home! We got back to Ohio from North Carolina tonight. We spent a few days at the Blockcade Runner on Wrightsville Beach. It was lovely and I really needed some beach time. I took about a thousand photos, but haven't had a chance to upload all of them yet so here are a few.

Our view across the inlet (Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway)

Our room

Another view from the room

I'll have more photos in a few days. We'll be back in Colorado Sunday and I go back to work on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely - I'm glad you're have a little r&r.